Time Flies
Well. Somehow 13 days have passed between the last time I wrote and now. Oops! It's amazing how time just flies right under our nose! Let's dive right in! How's the fasting going, you ask? Well, I'm assuming that's what you are wondering. In any case, I'd say fasting is going well in the sense that I find it "easy" to do, although days off of work make it a wee bit harder. And the weekends with the fluctuating dinner times don't help. Monday-Friday is honestly easy as pie. I end my fast anywhere between 7-9 pm, depending on the night and extracurriculars. I work until 3:15 pm, by the time I get home it's 3:30 pm or later. I will end my fast then. During the week I aim for 18 hour fasts, and on the weekend 16 hour fasts. How's the soda intake? Well, we are 16 days into the new year, and I can count on one hand how many sodas I've had thus far! We've gone out to eat, and I'll have one, but not always. At home, I really try not ...