A New Month

 Welp. I guess a few days have gone by between now and the last time I wrote. My apologies. To myself I guess...no one else is reading this after all! 

In any case, how is life going? Well, January was overall successful for me. I wanted to start eating healthier-check. I wanted to drink less soda. Check. I wanted to stop drinking so many latte's. Check. I wanted to fast. Check. I wanted to lose weight. I wish I could check. 

Now, typically, I would have thrown in the towel by now. Although, if I am being honest, I'm sure I have if we go from what I weighed last time I was weighed at the doctors, and what I weigh in the morning before my shower. If that's the case, then I'd say I lost around 8 pounds in the month of January. And I know I should be happy with that. But I also feel like it should be so much more than that based on what I WAS eating and what I am NOW eating. It's a massively stark difference. Especially once I saw that the chocolate glazed donut stick from Dunkin' Donuts made it's way back to this part of the state.... No bueno. Hence why changes needed to be made. 

During all this, I told myself I knew I needed to move my body. However, I wasn't going to worry about that just yet, as I wanted to get the fasting/eating under control first. I needed to make that a habit first, before getting on a treadmill just to make feeble attempts at losing 1/5 of said prior donut. Fasting? How did it go? Considering-I think it went very well. Usually, I'd have fallen off the ledge by now, and thrown in the towel rather abruptly. For whatever reason, I'm still going. Is it the promise I made to *myself* that changes needed to be made? Not quite sure. But, a victory is a victory and I'm running with it! I fasted for over 528 hours in January! Generally, I tried to do 18+ hours, especially during the week, and on the weekends I allowed myself to do 16+. If I was hungrier earlier, I would eat, but it really becomes a mental game with me. I try to push myself farther and farther. During the week is the easiest-I just don't eat at work. Simple as that. Even if we bring in food for our monthly share, I will wait until my window opens up. 

So. What next? Well, I needed to move my body. I said to myself back at the first of January, that come February, once I've been successfully fasting for a month, I'd start walking on the treadmill. Yesterday was the 1st of February, and guess what? I walked on the treadmill! For three miles! And today was the 2nd of February. And I walked on the treadmill. For three miles! While I'd love to be able to do this and get it out of the way at 5:30/6 am, my body doesn't agree, and so far I'm doing it after work, before dinner. Tonight, I even went back after dinner, to finish walking that last mile. 

Success! I can taste it. 

January also saw me reading more books(FOUR!) and eating more dinners at home. By Friday, I hate the thought of cooking so at least once on the weekend we will eat out/take out. But otherwise, as a whole, we've been doing much better at eating at home-even if it's "just" scrambled eggs and sausage! 

Lastly, I hate staying up late. I think I need to get to bed for 9 ish. It's 9:15 pm and I'm tired. I'm sure it will be long past 10 before I go to bed, but I'm going to start making my way there now... 

Til next time...
