A New Month
Welp. I guess a few days have gone by between now and the last time I wrote. My apologies. To myself I guess...no one else is reading this after all! In any case, how is life going? Well, January was overall successful for me. I wanted to start eating healthier-check. I wanted to drink less soda. Check. I wanted to stop drinking so many latte's. Check. I wanted to fast. Check. I wanted to lose weight. I wish I could check. Now, typically, I would have thrown in the towel by now. Although, if I am being honest, I'm sure I have if we go from what I weighed last time I was weighed at the doctors, and what I weigh in the morning before my shower. If that's the case, then I'd say I lost around 8 pounds in the month of January. And I know I should be happy with that. But I also feel like it should be so much more than that based on what I WAS eating and what I am NOW eating. It's a massively stark difference. Especially once I saw that the chocolate glazed donut stick ...